Thursday, November 1, 2007

Karen Goes Underground

I am so proud of myself as a Southern Californian: Today I learned to successfully negotiate the subway system and also take the funicular (tram) up the mountain to Victoria Peak. Talk about the sublime to the ridiculous: After a spectacular ride up, up, up the mountain, we ate at the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company - Hong Kong! It has about the best view of anyplace that doesn't cost a ton o' money to sit for hours and watch the sun fade from the sky. We have had rainy weather for two days, so the misty clouds over the Hong Kong Harbour gave a magic that clear skies are powerless to bestow. Again, Carole and I consider ourselves lucky, lucky, lucky.

"But Karen," you ask, "how are you managing to update your blog every day when the freakin' Internet time is so costly?" (Remember, it's very expensive real estate here and they have to recoup the rent somehow). It's the local version of Starbucks and as long as I buy something and type for 15 minutes or less, Internet is free. The drawback is that I have a timer reminding me to type my little heart out and someone watching for the time to be up; it's like elementary school and little girls counting time on the swings when we ought to share and play nicely.

OK, I'm going to stop and go find some more to do tonight in Hong Kong.

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