Wednesday, September 26, 2007

OK, let's go!

In high school forensics, I heard a speech about “youth in Asia” when I competed in persuasive speaking events ... I couldn’t understand what all the impassioned fuss was about: My school had an exchange student from Finland; why wouldn’t students from Asia be equally acceptable?

I later found out it was “euthanasia.” (Ah, my mistake. Note to self: always define terms in case the audience might not know the words I am using.)

So, when thinking about what to call my blog for my upcoming trip, I thought that “Karen in Asia” would remind me not to take myself too seriously! So, please join me for October and November during my experiences in China, Tibet, Nepal, the Kingdom of Bhutan, Bangkok, Hong Kong and South Korea.

"OK, let's go!" was one of the English phrases spoken by the Tibetan driver of my last year's trip around his country. It reminds me to get in the Landcruiser and let's go have some more fun! In the last year, I have often used to to prod myself into action: OK, let's go!


Milty said...

I look forward to reading all about Karen in Asia.
Will photos appear in the blog?

Karen B said...

"Yes" and "probably." I am going to post some photos from last year's trip, seeing as I am going to many of the same places in Tibet, Nepal and Bangkok: you know, photos of me yak-riding and me in front of Mount Everest just aren't going to change, whatever year they happen!

Since I will be taking my photos in super-high-quality resolution, Clint is going to figure out for me how to reduce the file sizes so one photo would not take too long to upload on whatever technology I find along the ancient way.

Milty said...

The new photos from Bhutan should be majestic.
Is there a Rotary Club in Thimphu?