Thursday, October 25, 2007

Greetings from the Kingdom of Bhutan!

Greetings from the Kingdom of Bhutan! Bhutan looks like Switzerland with Tibetan-style buildings, if you can imagine that. Seriously. There are pretty, clean cows grazing, horses in the fields and a quiet, clean environment. After the noise, traffic and let's-extort-the-foreigners environment of Kathmandu, Bhutan is quite a pleasant and quiet retreat. Shocking, really, in comparison.

I don't have much time to write my thoughts as our guide is standing behind me and the driver is waiting, so I will just give two more comments on Nepal:

1). For the last week, I have often gotten into taxis driven by young men I would not have trusted to carry my groceries to the car;

2). Last night the was the first time I thought I'd suffer internal injuries from merely riding in a car. Being a passenger in a car in Kathmandu is like being launched inside a pinball machine, only the paddles and flappers include the possibility to ricochet off of cows, pedi-cabs, trucks, motorcylces with whole families on them and even an elephant that I saw walking down Kantipathi Street yesterday. (He was outfitted in red, ridden by two men. I wasn't drinking.)

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